Linea21? A management & Communication tool for Agenda 21

Linea21 is a free and open-source publication tool for Agenda21 and Environmental Approach :

  • It provides Sustainable Development Indicators Management and display (Dashboard).
  • It has a content management system based on Sustainable Actions/Publications and News.
  • It allows users to create communities for sharing experience and knowledge into dedicated workgroups.

The software is mainly designed for territorial municipalities but can be used as well by companies.

Since 1.2 release, Linea21 is natively available in both English and French languages -As sure as we are French, the English translation can be improved.

The application is ready to be translated in other languages … and is waiting for your contributions! A documentation is now available.

The demonstration version is available online.

Please, notice that as far as we share data with the French demonstration version, the content is in French language. But of course, is dynamic.

Download the software in zip format or tar.gz.

By default, tthe software use french language. To switch it to English, just replace in config/define_release.ini file, the LANGUAGE constant from « fr » to « en ». Save the file, and that’s folk!

Any doubt, any question? Just send us a mail at We will be glad to answer to you!

Posted in Actualité.